
Jan 4, 2020 Edit in Github

A few days ago I saw a tweet about a challenge to learn more about Gatsby, and since my site was already a simple landing page and a separate blog, both built with it, thought this could be a good opportunity to improve both the site and my knowledge of it, so here we go!

Challenge 1: Create a Gatsby Blog from Scratch

The old version of the site used a starter for the blog and I modified another starter for the landing, but I think it was over-bloated with all the things it had for a simple landing page, this time I wanted something simple but functional and to unify the landing and the blog.

For the design, I just tested some color combinations that looked good together (at least to myself) and it was interesting because even though I have several years of experience it’s the first time I do a responsive mobile-first markup. Way to go, me!

For styling the choice was Emotion, I’ve been wanting to try this CSS-in-JS thing that seems to be trending and what’s better than with a project like this? I’m sure it still has issues with how it’s being used, but I really liked the experience.

Initially, the idea was to use TypeScript because I’m trying to learn more of it by using in some small pet projects, but there were too many things I didn’t understand yet and didn’t want to spend lots of time trying to get it right, so I got back to plain JS.

Overall I’m happy with how it looks and with this initial version, there is still some work to do, but I know myself and for sure I could have left it unfinished if I tried to do everything I have in mind in one go.

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